Saturday, April 4, 2009

Episode 14: I Want My Baby Back

ReaperCast returns with a packed show as we discuss the developments and happenings in Tuesday's awesome episode of Reaper. You'll hear our thoughts on the episode, another ReaperCast rant, speculation on Mr. Oliver and more. Plus, a super-sized Vessel Box rounds out the fourteenth episode of ReaperCast, I Want My Baby Back.


catko said...

Love love love how the site looks! I scrolled up and down, up and down and almost hypnotised myself with the effect.

I really liked the commentary part of the reapercast this time. The two of you talking back and forth about the show is so fun to listen to.

"Where the heck is mama?"
"Where is she?"

That's great!

Weasel said...

Yes the new site look is straight up pimpin’, Casey wins the Nobel Prize. Along with the Reaper episodes, these podcasts just get better. When you cracked up during the recap last time, I just lost it. Normally you just pull some suppressed nasal laughs out of me, but this time I laughed pretty hard.
I look forward to hearing you read everyone’s emails too. It provides a real voice for the fanbase. Like this Jeremy guy, he totally delivered last time. I’m probably wearing out my compliments, but you thank us listeners so much, and we never thank you for giving us Reapercast. We wouldn’t bother emailing you in the first place if you weren’t entertaining.
This episode, The Underbelly or whatever it is, was slower paced, more of a monster of the week like before. It kinda made me feel safe inside. But Baby wasn’t in the episode! Needs more Baby!
Was Nina gonna eat the Starburst Llama?
You know, I really can’t stand it whenever I hear Sock say “Kristen” because of course it sounds like Cristin. Ha, try making sense of that when you read it into your mic.
Oh, and the Devil and his little camcorder finally broke the fourth wall! First by referring to it, then with an overdue Twin Peaks reference. Epic. Epic.

As you’ve probably discussed, the creators have coldheartedly left Reaper to work for a network that actually treats them with respect. Commendations to everybody in the fanbase for what they’re doing to try and fight the good fight… ‘cause it’s all that we can do.

Oh just in case you didn’t know yet, there’s an online petition started up too.

Weasel said...

Oh, nevermind about the petition I linked. There's a larger one started, which you can find out about along with everything else through the DMV.

What I mean by this is, just disregard the other one.
Oh yeah and I forgot did you notice how Asian Cowboy Dad was someone else!? Disturbing.