Sunday, September 14, 2008

Episode 5: S.A.M. the Bounty Hunter

After one of the longest weeks in the history of the world, Jerad and Casey try to do justice to Reaper's main man.
Episode five of Reapercast, S.A.M. the Bounty Hunter, chronicles the character that is Sam Oliver, and runs over the possible Thursday night CW schedule that involves three of the networks most beloved shows, including Reaper!
We also reveal the enthusiastic contents of this week's Vessel Box, and discuss our thoughts on the "revision" of the Reaper Season 1 DVD cover art.


Anonymous said...

Great Podcast! I posted the link to it in the MySpace group to let everyone know that there's a new one up.

Anonymous said...

That was fun! Thanks for doing this every week. I really like your humor! I posted a positive review on iTunes too. Looking forward to Episode 6!

Blue Sunflower said...

Oh man, that was all kinds of AWESOME. More cowbell!

Anonymous said...

HAHA! Nobody voted for Ben. Nobody likes him, poor Ben.
As for Bret Harrison… It does take a lot of talent to be such a funny, likable character when Sam’s actually gotta be the straight man to the Devils and Sock’s antics most of the time. Having to just react to the insanity around him.
The Vessel Box really is a great idea, if the Vessel Box doesn’t get people to send emails more, then nothing will. I thought this episode was plenty good. But it DOES need more cowbell. I appreciated the Entertainment Weekly update especially.
I hope the possible Smallville-Reaper tradeoff doesn't offend too many Smallville fans.
I’d post a review on iTunes if I could, but I’m not registered with iTunes so they won’t let me… and I can only access it from the school computers… I’ll just go ahead and try to post a rating on PodcastAlley, which is who I’m still using.
I’ll just keep on pestering others to listen in.

Blue Sunflower said...

Hey guys - thought I would let you know:

VOTE FOR REAPER!!!! SpikeTV's Scream 2008. It's up for Best TV Show. I think you can vote multiple times too. Spread the word!